Hotel Le Moustier

Hotel Le Moustier is situated in the city of Asunción, Paraguay. Le Moustier belongs to a non-profit foundation. When you choose to use our facilities, you automatically take part in the charitable work of the foundation.

My stay with Hotel Le Moustier was amazing. My room was so comfortable and very relaxing after a few long days of travel. The hotel was incredibly laid out, with an amazing courtyard and fountain in the center of the rooms.

I was really excited for my stay at Hotel Le Moustier because I was able to meet my first "fan," Meli! She wants to work in travel and to travel more, and she emailed me when she heard about my journey. It was so great and exciting to meet her in person! I can't thank Meli enough for reaching out to me so early in my planning process - it was so encouraging!

Everyone that I met at Hotel Le Moustier was so kind and helpful, and it was such a beautiful and overall fantastic place to stay. I cannot thank Hotel Le Moustier enough for their generosity!

Check out my blog post from Paraguay to read more about my stay: Country #30 - Paraguay

To learn more visit the Hotel Le Moustier website here.